Happy Holidays! Resolve to care for your body in 2021!

Discover the amazing benefits of working out on the floor.

Created for dancers by Zena Rommett over 50 years ago, floor barre is a proven system of exercises, done with your back on the floor with knees bent,  sitting up,  and on your side, The exercises lengthen the legs, arms and back.  Allowing the support of the floor, the back lengthens naturally while attention is paid to the pelvis maintaining its correct alignment with the legs and torso.

Read how Floor Barre® saved me from early retirement and rehabilitated me during injury:

I injured myself first in the 1980’s while touring Italy and dancing in outdoor festivals, and in January of this year.  I started the technique after my first injury and I regained my full range of motion and was pain free and dancing again. Although helpful, neither doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths and massage therapists could give the relief I found through floor barre classes !

With Zena’s work, I discovered I needed to provide myself with the means whereby I could heal on my own.  Floor barre offers a wonderful tool to strengthen and stretch your muscles in the most optimal skeletal alignment. You will also benefit from the Alexander Technique tools that I share every day with my students.

To book a  Floor Barre lesson, on Zoom, email me at bette@betterballroomwithbette.com, fill out the contact form below  or call 973 432 5815.

Make Floor Barre® a healthy, feel good new habit!