Your Question Answered!

How can I get good posture?

Step #1 – It’s about the habits you carry around, both physically and mentally. You are not aware of what you are doing but you feel the consequences – discomfort from your body and sometime ‘comments’ from the mirrored windows you pass on the street. Your neck feels tight and stiff. Since a young age, we all have been slowly building up neck tightening, shoulder grabbing and shallower breathing. It is that we are human and have advanced brains that are beyond the simple instincts of animals.

Step #2 – Accept without judgement what habits are causing you problems. They are not ‘bad’ habits. They are inefficient and they are your habits, and in their own way comfortable and familiar.

Step #3 – Give yourself time to recognize extra tension in your neck, back or shoulders, without judgement. When you do, pause for a moment, and applaud yourself for recognizing that you are doing this and that it is your habit.

Step #4 – Breathe. Let go of this extra tension by thinking of ease. Because you have become aware of what you are doing, you are now in a position to lessen this tension.

Step #5 – Take a series of Alexander Technique lessons with me. I’ve been working with performers, athletes, musicians, people with back and joint pain for 20 years. They have benefited from my help and guidance utilizing the above steps.

Take a look at what my students have experienced in our work together. Scroll down on the home page here to read what they have to say. You may find some familiar stories.

You can contact me by submitting this form or by calling 973 432 5815.